
the grid

“ The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee.
It permits a number of possible uses and each
designer can look for a solution appropriate to his
personal style. But one must learn how to use the
grid; it is an art that requires practice. ”
Josef Müller-Brockmann

I found this quote today on the grid system website and found it worthy of reideration. it does a great job of encompassing the grid system and its baggage.

the site is definitely worth checking out. it has a ton of inDesign, Illustrator and photoshop templates you can check out for inspiration or download. 

and what. the slammer is a Mac OS X application that allows you to superimpose a grid over any selected window. you can edit, combine, and save all grids. just downloaded it. tested it. freaking out a little bit.


  1. Kelsey,

    Thanks for trying out slammer - really curious as to why you are freaking out though :)

  2. oh just thought it was a very cool and resourceful application. maybe "freaking out" was a little strong. oopsy.

  3. Cool, glad you like it :)
