sandra d and brooke
so my mom just sent me an email about me spending a week with her up in pittsburgh for this three rivers arts festival.
its enough to just spend a week in pittsburgh because i love spending time together with my mom and ive had so real fun times visiting her while shes been living in PA (maggie) for the last year. so sandy, my mother, nonchalantly mentions i may know some of the performers and would love for me to tag along so i go to the website and the first performer mentioned...the black keys! this cool kid hunter introduced me to these two guys who call themselves the black keys only a couple months ago but ive quickly fallen in love with there music. theyve randomly been showing up everywhere since i started listening like eastbound & down and random stores ive walked into.
needless to say this all just made me a little excited and very happy.
moral of the story : ill be there. thanks mom!
...did i mention this is all before we leave for a week in austin!! oh happy day.
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