
thanks dad

bryce, me, just wrong. 

sifting through some old photos, i found this gem. obviously, i do not remember this being taken but i would just like to take this time to thank you dad. im gonna have to find you a "worlds best dad" mug this year!

summer plans

1. taking two, long awaited, classes that im sure to love : screen printing & letterpress!!
2. three rivers festival with mama d
3. austin, texas with mama d { thinking im not gonna want to leave }
4. on the job hunt grind
5. welcome to the real world

...all as close to the water and in my bathsuit, of course.


found another impressive stop-motion music video. think im gonna go ahead and make a little catagory for these bad boys.

this one i through rva magazine.


web portfolio inspiration

positive space just added a blog called 30 awesome design portfolios for your inspiration and the name pretty much covers what i have to say about it. 

contains good ideas on how to display/photograph your pieces for your website an/or design a website.

like christopher allens clean and easy design or luciano marx website which feels very personal. i am currently trying to photograph some of my pieces for my website and am trying techniques similar to the ones luciano uses.


Firekites - AUTUMN STORY - chalk animation from Lucinda Schreiber on Vimeo.

how amazing. i cant imagine how much time this took. after ben gaydos sequential i never again wanna touch stop-animation...but its just such a cool look. beautiful.

found on formfourtyfive design blog.

knock you down

k, not gonna lie, this i feel a little silly about posting, but i can NOT stop playing this song.

Ear candyy!


portfolio break, porch, pink straw

why is it so fun to choose the color of your slurpee straw?



im gonna just go ahead and shout the next two videos out to rachel g because she  is definitely responsible for making me aware of the very overlooked coolness factor of the ukelele. so now, i am here to do something about it.

these two are brother and sister and just plain sound cool. bryce, lets make things happen.

Sophie Madeleine - Beard Song (Chords)

this is for all my beard lovers out there (you know who you are) these are some cute and "funny because its true" lyrics.

ohh momm

sandra d and brooke

so my mom just sent me an email about me spending a week with her up in pittsburgh for this three rivers arts festival

its enough to just spend a week in pittsburgh because i love spending time together with my mom and ive had so real fun times visiting her while shes been living in PA (maggie) for the last year. so sandy, my mother, nonchalantly mentions i may know some of the performers and would love for me to tag along so i go to the website and the first performer mentioned...the black keys! this cool kid hunter introduced me to these two guys who call themselves the black keys only a couple months ago but ive quickly fallen in love with there music. theyve randomly been showing up everywhere since i started listening like eastbound & down and random stores ive walked into.

needless to say this all just made me a little excited and very happy. 

moral of the story : ill be there. thanks mom!

...did i mention this is all before we leave for a week in austin!! oh happy day.



i need a polaroid.
turkey hill mango iced green tea. insane!
loves dance parties in my room.
blogs are addictive.
loves thunder.


top 5

1. zoey deschanel
2. all-star deli sandwiches : the oregon hill. holy moly!
3. my exacto knife
4. braids
5. guerilla art

just because its my top 5 and i can...

6. NOT poisonous apples from 7-11

logo process

airside presented a post showing the development of a logo the designed for Dream Ranch. they explain each step of the process along with illustrations. 

frustratingly fun to see how much goes into a logo.

updateairsides blog is just interesting in general.

book trade labels

Libreria Mexico, Los Angeles, Ca

found an amazing collection of some vintage book trade labels at seven roads gallery

some really beautiful ones in there. gotta love vintage. 


tune in

best station for richmond radio. 103.1 WNRN

tune in.



i. want. toms.

and did i mention my dads name is tom? only appropriate i own a pair.


i took a long walk through my oregon hill 'hood with my family and camera in hand and kept seeing these one-of-a-kind doors. and when i say one-of-a-kind, i mean crazy. seriously cool and entertaining to look at, but bold move people.

i think ill stick to my brick red door for now...but a girl can dream right.


this is a playlist i made and keep listening to. a lot of the songs ive put up here before but just cant stop rockin out to

northern downpour : panic at the disco
an experiment : mates of state
daylight : matt & kim
the lengths : black keys
poison oak : bright eyes
that green gentleman : panic at the disco
thats not my name : ting tings
when it rains : paramore
good ol fashion nightmare : matt & kim
knocked up : kings of leon vs. lykke li
youre the one : black keys
silver stallion : cat power
colorshow : avett brothers

heres my card...

i just made some new business cards and here they are. 

comments welcome


top 5

photo courtesy of derickholt.com

1. derick holt
2. share some candy make-over
3. smell memories
4. sarah keane and her brainstorming help :)
5. having my wednesdays as fridays

to twitter or not to twitter

my friend, maggie, just let me know she "plugged" me on twitter, whatever that means. its kinda hard to ignore the buzz about this twitter these days, but should i cave in?

im gonna give it some time then make my decision. ill let you know...

poster overload

this is a HUGE collection of some amazing typo/graphic posters from all over the world. 

typo/graphic posters is definitely worth checking out. 

warning : may occupy the next couple hours of your life, but the journey will lead you to some pretty incredible work.

whistle while you work

here at outlaw design blog i found a blog post where he asked a number of his designer friends what they listened to while they worked.

i always think about this because it is almost impossible for me to sit in silence while i am working.

lilian, who is the last on the post, chose explosion in the sky who i love. they are definitely top 5 for getting those creative juices flowing on my list.

leave a comment with your choices!!

Xavier Encines

this guy xavier encinces makes some beautiful, clean print pieces. 

huge fan.



umm, why cant i stop listening to paramore?

the grid

“ The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee.
It permits a number of possible uses and each
designer can look for a solution appropriate to his
personal style. But one must learn how to use the
grid; it is an art that requires practice. ”
Josef Müller-Brockmann

I found this quote today on the grid system website and found it worthy of reideration. it does a great job of encompassing the grid system and its baggage.

the site is definitely worth checking out. it has a ton of inDesign, Illustrator and photoshop templates you can check out for inspiration or download. 

and what. the slammer is a Mac OS X application that allows you to superimpose a grid over any selected window. you can edit, combine, and save all grids. just downloaded it. tested it. freaking out a little bit.


Derick Holt

today's Object + Methods speaker is Derick Holt, just named a winner in the 2008 ADC Young Guns 6 competition for commercial artists 30 and under. very impressive! and a very cool website.

bitter-sweet feelings on my final O+M lecture. i will let you all know how it goes, or come join if your in the richmond area.

today, monday april 13 @ 4:30 Grace Street Theater


top 5

1. the de sostoa family
2. carrots
3. seafoam green
4. bbq's
5. long walks


black and white logos

this article, is it time to retire the black and white logo?, i found on Ben Terrett's blog, Noisy Decent Graphics. he is a graphic designer from london, and in the article he makes a solid argument as to why we do and why we do not need black and white versions of logos today. it argues for both sides so read the article and you make your decision.

im gonna go ahead and support the "for b+w" argument for sake of his first point, "it's good discipline." i have created an identity system before and i know that thinking about a logos strength at the simple b+w stage is beneficial later on in the game.

top 5

1. arizona arnold palmer
2. mary mcLaughlin
3. business cards
4. avett brothers kick
5. having a printer


play me

the avett brothers : colorshow

this is a must have...or at least listen.


my friend zack just called up and told me to check out the sasquatch festival.

this would be crazy fun. kings of leon, avett brothers, bon iver, demetri martin (kinda random but love it) and soo many more. three days AND camping. 

ugh sometimes i wish people didn't say anything to begin with so i didnt know what I probably will have to miss out on!

snuggie no more

ive wanted a snuggie for quite some time now, but ive traded that in for a Blankoat. tre sheik.

even in these summer months im gonna need something to curl up in for windy nights on the porch. perfect.

colors...or colours

just something every designer should know about.

colourlovers is an amazing resource for finding that perfect color or a pallette of colors that work well together. its like a search engine for colors with ratings, a way to save your personal favorites or make your own if you wanted to. 


book covers

book covers have always been a favorite of mine in graphic design and here i can look at thousands on one site. a large collection of beautiful book covers on bookcoversrchive.com 

the cover above is designed by Heads of State. all the information a designer would want to know about the cover including the typeface, designer and publication information is found on the site. go crazy.


play me

the black keys : you're the one

can not wait

where the wild things are, the movie. directed by spike jonze. so exctiting!

50 GDES blogs to know about

blogs blogs and more blogs. 

for all my graphic design friends (and for those who wanna see some sweet design) these are 50 graphic design blogs thanks to david airey that are deserving of you taking a look at.



Geoff Mcfetridge makes beautiful illustrations / animations for some big names. 

this illustration he made for brushfire records, the record label of my favorite artist, jack johnson.

more experimental type

by bisdixit


show off competition

design competition opportunity for graphic design students to submit their work to a public exhibition brought to you by AIGA DC.

design blog finds

i have never wanted chocolate so bad! Tokyo's 100% Chocolate Cafe looks delicious.

experimental type

these are 22 creative alphabets that may be helpful to me in my experimental type class. 

and same here for uses.


design blog finds


i just took a look at this guy justin david cox's blog where he has some very clever, simple, and beautiful band posters.

I really need to take this screen printing class over the summer. thats a fact.


i love when art plays with its environment and thats what Daniel Ashram did here. so visually intriguing. 


cleaver. enough said. by Ji Lee.


play me

matt and kim : daylight